
탄자니아 Tanzania Manager's Message

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 464회 작성일23-08-11 15:10


Dear Madame,

Please refer to the captioned subject on the abovementioned matter.

I would like to thank all your team of management and administration of NaCoNGO for the preparation of the Forum for the members to dialogue.

I observed that the members were not given adequate opportunity of exercising their freedom of speech and expression in regard to the UN Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I, myself presented just a three minutes presentation of expression of what the World Poverty Eradication Foundation aims at. I would have given at 20 minutes presentation regarding the introduction of the foundation, its aim, main objectives, mission, vision, short-term plan, middle-term plan, long time plan, strength of the foundation, weakness, sources of funds, funding modalities, and conclusion. 

I was not given such an opportunity and I didn't feel well. Others also were not given such opportunities. Next time, try to give such opportunities to others by selecting them at random.

The other issue is about the Regional  Office of NaCoNGO in Dar Es Salaam. I have researched that those who represent NaCoNGO do not have an office but just operate from mobility, a thing that is not conducive for the organization. If they are working part-time, let be there officers who should be working full-time so as to link up with the NGOs.

Let there be mechanisms for getting an office for the region.

In addition, regarding World Poverty Eradication Foundation, I have secured the Headquarters OfficeSuite at NSSF Mafao House of which its lease agreement has been sent to me on 27th July 2023. There are two apartments of which I suggest that if NaCoNGO is in Dar Es Salaam, we can share. If Her Excellency the President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan can pay for the rental charges for 5  years first as I sent her a request for the payment.

According to the regulations of the World Poverty Eradication Foundation presided by the Global President state that the Government should set up the Branch Office and after setting up, the Foundation will enable to send donations. The first donation will be $50,000 USD.

Not only that, but also, 10 Health Check Up Centres will be established for checking health statuses of the Human Population so as to live healthy, henceforth, combating diseases. 

Moreover, the Edible Edock Herbaceous Plant will be introduced to be cultivated in farms by Small Holder Farmers along with improved varieties of crops so as to combat hunger. 

Furthermore, the Foundation will construct living quarters for the street children who are vulnerable households to safeguard their security and healthcare.

Finally, the Foundation will construct more Vocational Training Schools to train the less privileged groups in obtaining skills to be self-reliant. After training, they will be offered Grants to continue with their sustainable profitability of humanitarian rescue missions. 

Last but not least, the Foundation will construct a Multicurricular University for all courses so as to permit everyone to study the course that someone desires in order to combat ignorance.

Therefore, in this way, we shall combat poverty by 2063.

Let us not feel jealousy, envy, and hatred of others but we should show mutual love towards each other in order to fight against poverty in Tanzania as well as Africa in general.


Total 29건 1 페이지
해외지사 목록
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